Sunday, October 26, 2008

Web based educational resources

I think the web can be a great tool for learning. It offers more information and ways of gaining and understanding the information. There are some websites out there that can take up a whole year with what it can offer. Students have access to certain websites that the school allows which can make it very secure.

I found this list online which gives the advantages and disadvantages of web-based learning.

Advantages of Web-based Learning
The general benefits of Web-based training when compared to
traditional instructor-led training include all those shared by other types of
technology-based training. These benefits are that the training is usually
self-paced, highly interactive, results in increased retention rates, and has
reduced costs associated with student travel to an instructor-led workshop.
When compared to CD-ROM training, the benefits of Web-based training stem
from the fact that access to the content is easy and requires no distribution of
physical materials. This means that Web-based training yields additional
benefits, among them:
- Access is available anytime, anywhere, around the
globe. Students always have access to a potentially huge library of training and
information whether they are working from home, in the office, or from a hotel
room. As cellular modems become more popular, students will even be able to
access training in a place that doesn't have a traditional phone line or network
- Per-student equipment costs are affordable. Almost any
computer today equipped with a modem and free browser software can access the
Internet or a private Intranet. The cost of setup is relatively low.
Student tracking is made easy. Because students complete their training while
they are connected to the network, it is easy to implement powerful
student-tracking systems. Unlike with CD-ROMs that require students to print
reports or save scores to disk, WBT enables the data to be automatically tracked
on the server-computer. This information can be as simple as who has accessed
the courseware and what are their assessment scores, to detailed information
including how they answered individual test questions and how much time they
spent in each module.
- Possible "learning object" architecture supports on
demand, personalized learning. With CD-ROM training, students have access only
to the information that can be held by one CD-ROM. The instructional design for
this type of delivery, therefore, has been to create entire modules and distinct
lessons. But with WBT, there is virtually no storage limitation and content can
be held on one or more servers. The best WBT is designed so that content is
"chunked" into discrete knowledge objects to provide greater flexibility.
Students can access these objects through pre-defined learning paths, use skill
assessments to generate personal study plans, or employ search engines to find
exact topics.
- Content is easily updated. This is perhaps the single
biggest benefit to WBT. In today's fast-paced business environment, training
programs frequently change. With CD-ROM and other forms of training, the media
must be reduplicated and distributed again to all the students. With WBT it is a
simple matter of copying the updated files from a local developer's computer
onto the server-computer. The next time students connect to the Web page for
training, they will automatically have the latest version.

Limitations of Web-based Learning
There are only two real disadvantages to WBT, and both will be overcome in the next five to ten years as high bandwidth network connections become as common as telephones.

- The first drawback, when compared
to live instruction, is the lack of human contact, which greatly impacts
learning. WBT is better than CD-ROM learning in this regard. Students can use
their Web connection to e-mail other students, post comments on message boards,
or use chat rooms and videoconference links to communicate live. While this type
of interaction is helpful, and an improvement over CD-ROM learning, it still
doesn't have the impact of a live workshop. With higher speed connections and
improved conferencing software, one day students around the world will be able
to communicate in real time with each other through full-screen video.
- The second major drawback is the lack of multimedia in many WBT programs. The use of audio and video are critical to creating compelling metaphors, realistic job
simulations, and accommodating different learning styles. Full multimedia
delivered over corporate Intranets is possible, and many companies are doing it
(see Case Studies in this book for examples). But in most cases, even if
students have a high-bandwidth Intranet connection, corporate information
technology departments don't want large media files used because it slows down
the entire network. The result is that most WBT programs are still comprised of
text and graphics alone. Once again, the bandwidth problem will be solved in the
near future with advancements in network protocol standards and software

Using Web-based training, like all other delivery media, has
advantages and disadvantages. Trainers and designer must carefully weigh these
against the profiles of other options on a case-by-case basis.

Using the Web for Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages by Kevin Kruse

Friday, October 10, 2008


I finally downloaded my free trial of kidspiration. and I must say it was pretty cool. I'm sure the full download would be great. These activities are both educational and are fun which you can't find a lot. In my reading class we are studying phonics, and even the limited activities that the trial shows seem to be so useful. I can't wait to keep playing around with it. Hopefully when I start to teach I will buy the full product and use it. I know it will definitely come in handy especially with reading and math. I really like you can make a map. This visual aid can reach out to so many students. I really need to set more time aside to go through everything to see how

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Access!

Although I don't think I will ever use this website in an elementary classroom, I think this website is great. WHY DIDN'T I KNOW ABOUT THIS IN HIGH SCHOOL!...My Access is a great resource for both teachers and students. I think it definitely would help students and increase their confidence in writing. This is a great practice for students and they can only benefit them in the long run. I like the tool that if the teacher decides to block certain features they can for certain assignments. That is a great idea.

I especially like what they have to offer the students...
I found this in the My Access Report,

Students have access to a variety of tools:
1 Writer’s Checklist to help guide the student through the writing process
2 Scoring rubrics so the students can self-assess their writing through the process
3 MY Editor to provide grammatical comments, suggestions, and explanations of rules. This tool is available at multiple levels of difficulty and language in order to be most effective for the student.
4 Word counter to keep track of essay length
5 Word banks to assist in the selection of appropriate words for use in an essay of a particular genre
6 Spell checker to assist in the proper spelling of words used in the essay
7 Venn diagrams and other graphical pre-writing tools to assist in the formulation and organization of ideas to be included in the essay

© September 2007, Vantage Learning

I definitely think this is a great tool for students. This can help them with their writing and hopefully make them want to write more. This website can motivate them to write because they will realize what their weaknesses are and how easy it is to correct their mistakes.